My area that I consider my weakness would be Advocacy in The Habits of Heart and Mind. I feel that I might ask some questions in my classes but I feel that I need to meet with teaches to be able to develop a deeper understanding for our projects so I can create my best work. I feel that a piece of evidence that I have that displays my struggles with advocacy would be my Teacher Creature Project from Digital Arts. Even though I had looked over the rubric I still had questions and I did not properly do what was asked for the project. We were supposed to take the teacher and put them on a different body, something I did not do because I did not advocate about my confusion over the rubric. To work on my weakness and improve in the category of Advocacy I will set up meetings with my teacher at the beginnings of projects. Even if it just five minutes of going over expectations and/or requirements I will be able to get a better understanding of the project we will be going into. I will make sure to ask questions as we go through the projects. This goal that I am setting is one that I believe I will be able to achieve and use with all of my classes.