Pre-Assesment |
Final Piece |
Our Project Objectives: Envision and Critique to reflect. Recognize, demonstrate, and debate philosophic arguments about the nature of art and beauty (aesthetics).
ReflectionIn the teacher creature project we took our teachers and turned them into something or someone else. We sent out surveys to teachers asking questions about things they like. Using the data we collected we began transforming whatever teacher you wanted into something else. I used an image I took of Brian Morgan and turned him into a presidential poster. In the beginning I had a very different idea of what I wanted to do. I wanted to make a scene of teachers voting for Kanye West in the 2020 presidential election. I sketched out many different version of what I wanted and finally came up with a presidential poster. In photoshop I took an image of a presidential poster and removed the words and images to end up with a color blocked red, white, and blue background. I took an image of Brian and layered him on top of the background. I changed him to look posterized and black and white. I added a drill, a top hat, text, glitter, and a hidden panda to add to the presidential poster. I have to say the hardest part of this project for me was working with all of the layers I was using. Including text I had close to 20 layers. I worked through this by grouping layers and hiding some so I had less room for mistakes. I feel that I was able to begin finding my artistic style. I feel fairly drawn to the posterized or vector images. I feel that in the future I will definitely use this style again. I feel that hearing all about Kanye West and his announcement about running for president and hearing about Kim Kardashian and Kanye definitely influenced me subconsciously to play with the idea of presidency. I enjoyed this project and I am quite excited to keep working with photoshop.
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